Gabi Update – January, 2008
Gabi and I traveled back to Columbus, OH last week for her two year post-radiation check up. She had her normal exam along with a chest x-ray to confirm the cancer has not spread anywhere else in her body at this point. Dr. Prescott gave her a big thumbs up and a clean bill of health for this visit. We are now scheduled to go back every three months until her three year mark next January which is far enough off we are not thinking about that at this point. There is a lot of playing to be done over the next year to worry about that now.
I have been asked numerous times how she has got this far when her prognosis was so horrible two years ago. Without the initial consultation, surgery, hope and radiation Gabi received
from Dr. Prescott, she would not have made it past a couple of months past diagnosis. But without better food, health and an vastly improved immune system she would have never made it to this two year point. This has come from Dr. Alexandra Barrientos (Dr. Alex) from the Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, N.Y., Gabi’s “holistic” doctor. Her main associate, Dr. Martin Goldstein, is widely known as an animal health expert who heals and improves the dogs health through natural, and conventional, means. If you are an Oprah viewer you will have seen him numerous times on her show speaking on matters of animal health.
Over the past two years I have witnessed Gabi having no illness when she comes face to face with almost every dog that comes into the facility and spending nearly every day being exposed to other dogs. Before this period, she had numerous incidents of various illnesses. If she had not improved her health and the underlying health issues she had that let her cancer flourish in the first place she would not be here today. This is what Dr. Alex has done through a practice of feeding only the best foods I can find along with a long list of supplements that are not only helping her with her cancer recovery but with her arthritis and thyroid conditions. I have learned a great deal about food and basic health issues with dogs and would love to share that with anyone who would like to find out how to feed your dog the best you can while not breaking the budget. I am available via the phone or e-mail if you would like some advice on your dogs health. If you prefer, feel free to stop in and talk about your questions and concerns.
Thanks again for all of your kind words and prayers for my Gabi. She is the reason DogDayz exists and I would love to keep her around to continue her job of greeting all that walk through her doors.