August 8, 2019

Right on Time

Dog training classes

Why You Should Consider Scheduled Feeding and Structured Walks Do you free feed your dog? It may be easier in the short term to leave your dog’s food out, and let it eat when it wants – but the pitfalls of this approach should give you pause. These are some of the reasons you should […]

June 7, 2017

How to Take Care of Your Furry Best Friend 24/7

dog looking outside through window

Cat lovers, don’t take this personally. But this 24/7 care tutorial is mainly targeted to owners of canines–the furry bundles of energy that can’t seem to get enough of human interaction. The high maintenance members of the family. When it comes to dog care, there are a number of things to consider if your schedule […]

February 8, 2017

8 Winter Care Tips for Your Dog

While a dog’s coat of fur can provide additional warmth, it isn’t enough to protect a dog from the cold. Like humans, dogs are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia, both serious and harmful cold weather-related conditions, and they need extra protection during the winter months. So make sure to protect your dog from the dangers […]

November 4, 2016

Nail and Paw Care Tips

Vet trim cut dog nails at clinic

When was the last time your pup had a nail trim? If you can hear those nails click-clacking on the floor, it’s been a little too long. Ideally, you should trim your dog’s nails before they make contact with the ground, but many pooches put up a struggle whenever they see the nail clippers. That’s […]

September 9, 2016

5 Dog Breeds that Require Frequent Grooming

The tiny shorthaired Chihuahua requires very little (no pun intended) grooming, unlike some larger breeds with thicker or longer coats. And grooming isn’t just about appearances – grooming is an essential part of a dog’s healthcare, especially for the following breeds. Afghan hound The Afghan hound’s smooth, silky coat can become matted easily – even […]

July 5, 2016

Summer Safety Tips for Dogs

Dog Panting in Summer

Summer is a time when many dogs and their humans enjoy spending time outdoors together. But dogs and people react to heat and humidity in different ways, and what may feel like an acceptable temperature to a human may be too much for dogs. Especially when humidity is high, dogs may be at risk of […]